Swing State is feature-length documentary (released in 2008), written, produced and directed by John Intrater, Jason Zone Fisher, and H. Spencer Young. Full credits available at Swing State (film) at the Internet Movie Database
What a difference eight years makes, in the life of a troubled nation, a battleground state, and an American family. All three meet head-on in the 2006 Ohio Governor's race, a campaign in which J. Kenneth Blackwell, responsible for "delivering" Ohio to George W. Bush in 2004, meets his match: Democratic candidates for Governor and Lieutenant Governor Ted Strickland and Lee Fisher. In Swing State, the whole process is documented, with an intimate look at not only a critical fight in a key state, but also the experience of the Fisher family as they put it all on the line to avenge Lee's devastating loss for governor in 1998.
The film is highlighted by appearances from top politicos such as Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., John Edwards, Bill Richardson, John Kerry and Madeleine Albright.